On the relevance of generalized disclinations in defect mechanics

Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2018

The utility of the notion of generalized disclinations in materials science is discussed within the physical context of modeling interfacial and bulk line defects like defected grain and phase boundaries, dislocations and disclinations. The Burgers vector of a disclination dipole in linear elasticity is derived, clearly demonstrating the equivalence of its stress field to that of an edge dislocation. We also prove that the inverse deformation/displacement jump of a defect line is independent of the cut-surface when its g.disclination strength vanishes. An explicit formula for the inverse deformation jump of a single localized composite defect line in terms of given g.disclination and dislocation strengths is deduced based on the Weingarten theorem for g.disclination theory (Weingarten-gd theorem) at finite deformation. The Burgers vector of a g.disclination dipole at finite deformation is also derived.

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